Strategic Sports Powers Helmet Production with Solar Energy

“Today is a happy day for Strategic Sports”, said Managing Director Norman Cheng, at a ceremony celebrating the deployment of solar panels at the company’s Huizhou facility. “We can truly harness the energy of the sun to make helmets for our customers”, Cheng continued.

As the solar panel systems were being installed at Strategic’s Dongguan factory, facilities in Portugal and Vietnam were also busy installing robust solar panel systems capable of powering helmet production. 

“We are committed to the process outlined by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)”, Cheng said. SBTi is a collective global collaboration between the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources institute and WorldWide Fund for Nature which aims to define a path to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the Paris Agreement. This agreement, or treaty, was adopted by 196 sovereign states in December, 2015, with a primary goal of limiting global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius. “These solar panels are an important part of that overall plan”, Cheng continued. 

“I think everyone wants to provide a bright future for the next generation, our children. This is not a battle we can afford to lose. Strategic Sports is committed to being carbon neutral by 2030 and today is another important marker on the side of the road”, Cheng said. 

Solar panel systems are increasingly common in homes, warehouses and certain factories as a means to augment lighting and essential power needs, but the use of more powerful systems capable of producing enough energy to manufacture product such as helmets is far less common. 

“We appreciate the assistance from the China Southern Power Grid, whose cooperation allows us to be here together. Because that is how we must win this fight against climate change—by working together”, Cheng said.

We want to thank Bontrager and Uvex for attending our ceremony, and also give special thanks to Decathlon, who sent representatives from France and China to further support to our sustainability efforts.


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